2-27-24, 7 pm CST Calling all Coaches--Nurses, that is! And those who want to know!

Posted 8 months ago by Lyn Mc Cright

2-27-24 7 pm CST Calling all Coaches--Nurses, that is! and those who want to know!

A wonderful opportunity to network and find other like-minded nurses!

The definition of Nurse Coaching according to the AHNCC (American Holistic Nurses Credentialling Corporation):

Nurse Coaching is a skilled, purposeful, results-oriented, and structured relationship-centered, interaction-based role with clients based in the precepts of Holistic Nursing wherein clients are facilitated in achieving health-focused goals. Nurse Coaches are educated in advanced communication strategies, skills, and knowledge with the understanding that clientsare the experts of their needs and care is always planned for and provided within the context of their culture, perceptions, values, and belief system .

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Topic: Austin Area Chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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